Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blog Spotlight of the Week - Better Book Titles

Have you ever wondered, perhaps during your high school English class, why certain authors and publishers didn't make more of an effort with titles that really get to the point! They'd stop hemorrhaging profits to SparkNotes and save you the effort of having to actually read such drech as Beowulf (vomit), The Epic of Gilgamesh, Wuthering Heights, or Jane Austen (sorry folks).

With this in mind, the folks at Better Book Titles have graciously been retooling the literary classics with straight-shooting titles that really get to the heart of the subject. They were named one of the best new blogs of 2010. Here's to their success and more hilarious book titles like these:

Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea"
Al Gore would be nothing without the Seuss!

The Sound and the Fury

Robinson Crusoe

James Bond novels - all of them :)
Oh, Huck Finn, you silly bastard...

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